الاثنين, سبتمبر 16, 2024

| للتحميل برابط مباشر | أقوى كتاب لشرح VB.Net فجوال بيسيك دوت نت بصيغة وورد

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فهرس الكتاب

1. Introduction

1.1 Grammar Notation

1.2 Compatibility

1.2.1 Kinds of compatibility breaks

1.2.2 Impact Criteria

1.2.3 Language deprecation

2. Lexical Grammar

2.1 Characters and Lines

2.1.1 Line Terminators

2.1.2 Line Continuation 8

2.1.3 White Space 10

2.1.4 Comments 10

2.2 Identifiers 11

2.2.1 Type Characters 13

2.3 Keywords 14

2.4 Literals 16

2.4.1 Boolean Literals 17

2.4.2 Integer Literals 17

2.4.3 Floating-Point Literals 18

2.4.4 String Literals 20

2.4.5 Character Literals 21

2.4.6 Date Literals 22

2.4.7 Nothing 23

2.5 Separators 23

2.6 Operator Characters 24

3. Preprocessing Directives 25

3.1 Conditional Compilation 25

3.1.1 Conditional Constant Directives 27

3.1.2 Conditional Compilation Directives 28

3.2 External Source Directives 29

3.3 Region Directives 30

3.4 External Checksum Directives 31

4. General Concepts 33

4.1 Declarations 33

4.1.1 Overloading and Signatures 34

4.2 Scope 36

4.3 Inheritance 37

4.3.1 MustInherit and NotInheritable Classes 39

4.3.2 Interfaces and Multiple Inheritance 40

4.3.3 Shadowing 43

4.4 Implementation 52

4.4.1 Implementing Methods 56

4.5 Polymorphism 59

4.5.1 Overriding Methods 61

4.6 Accessibility 67

4.6.1 Constituent Types 70

4.7 Type and Namespace Names 71

4.7.1 Qualified Name Resolution 73

4.7.2 Unqualified Name Resolution 74

4.8 Variables 76

4.9 Generic Types and Methods 76

4.9.1 Type Parameters 78

4.9.2 Type Constraints 82

4.9.3 Type Parameter Variance 88

5. Attributes 93

5.1 Attribute Classes 94

5.2 Attribute Blocks 97

5.2.1 Attribute Names 99

5.2.2 Attribute Arguments 100

6. Source Files and Namespaces 105

6.1 Program Startup and Termination 106

6.2 Compilation Options 106

6.2.1 Option Explicit Statement 107

6.2.2 Option Strict Statement 108

6.2.3 Option Compare Statement 108

6.2.4 Integer Overflow Checks 109

6.2.5 Option Infer Statement 109

6.3 Imports Statement 110

6.3.1 Import Aliases 112

6.3.2 Namespace Imports 115

6.3.3 XML Namespace Imports 117

6.4 Namespaces 118

6.4.1 Namespace Declarations 119

6.4.2 Namespace Members 120

7. Types 123

7.1 Value Types and Reference Types 123

7.1.1 Nullable Value Types 125

7.2 Interface Implementation 126

7.3 Primitive Types 128

7.4 Enumerations 130

7.4.1 Enumeration Members 131

7.4.2 Enumeration Values 131

7.5 Classes 134

7.5.1 Class Base Specification 136

7.5.2 Class Members 137

7.6 Structures 138

7.6.1 Structure Members 139

7.7 Standard Modules 141

7.7.1 Standard Module Members 142

7.8 Interfaces 143

7.8.1 Interface Inheritance 144

7.8.2 Interface Members 147

7.9 Arrays 147

7.10 Delegates 151

7.11 Partial types 153

7.12 Constructed Types 156

7.12.1 Open Types and Closed Types 157

7.13 Special Types 158

8. Conversions 159

8.1 Implicit and Explicit Conversions 159

8.2 Boolean Conversions 160

8.3 Numeric Conversions 160

8.4 Reference Conversions 162

8.4.1 Reference Variance Conversions 163

8.4.2 Anonymous Delegate Conversions 165

8.5 Array Conversions 165

8.6 Value Type Conversions 168

8.6.1 Nullable Value Type Conversions 172

8.7 String Conversions 174

8.8 Widening Conversions 174

8.9 Narrowing Conversions 178

8.10 Type Parameter Conversions 181

8.11 User-Defined Conversions 182

8.11.1 Most Specific Widening Conversion 185

8.11.2 Most Specific Narrowing Conversion 186

8.12 Native Conversions 187

8.13 Dominant Type 188

9. Type Members 189

9.1 Interface Method Implementation 189

9.2 Methods 193

9.2.1 Regular Method Declarations 195

9.2.2 External Method Declarations 197

9.2.3 Overridable Methods 200

9.2.4 Shared Methods 202

9.2.5 Method Parameters 203 Value Parameters 204 Reference Parameters 205 Optional Parameters 208 ParamArray Parameters 209

9.2.6 Event Handling 211

9.2.7 Extension Methods 213

9.2.8 Partial Methods 219

9.3 Constructors 221

9.3.1 Instance Constructors 222

9.3.2 Shared Constructors 224

9.4 Events 228

9.4.1 Custom Events 232

9.5 Constants 234

9.6 Instance and Shared Variables 236

9.6.1 Read-Only Variables 239

9.6.2 WithEvents Variables 241

9.6.3 Variable Initializers 243 Regular Initializers 247 Object Initializers 248 Array-Size Initializers 248

9.6.4 System.MarshalByRefObject Classes 250

9.7 Properties 250

9.7.1 Get Accessor Declarations 259

9.7.2 Set Accessor Declarations 261

9.7.3 Default Properties 262

9.7.4 Automatically Implemented Properties 265

9.8 Operators 266

9.8.1 Unary Operators 268

9.8.2 Binary Operators 269

9.8.3 Conversion Operators 271

9.8.4 Operator Mapping 273

10. Statements 275

10.1 Blocks and Labels 275

10.1.1 Local Variables and Parameters 276

10.2 Local Declaration Statements 279

10.2.1 Implicit Local Declarations 284

10.3 With Statement 285

10.4 SyncLock Statement 286

10.5 Event Statements 288

10.5.1 RaiseEvent Statement 288

10.5.2 AddHandler and RemoveHandler Statements 289

10.6 Assignment Statements 291

10.6.1 Regular Assignment Statements 291

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